Friday, December 30, 2011

Education and unemployment

Thousands of people come to kathmandu valley with a hope to get a better higher education and thus  mark their places .After the completion of their studies what is next comes to their mind ,obsiously to get a better job where their qualifications are honored .But  the sad news is that people are forced to work below their levels due to high rate of  unemployment in the country . They are forced to do so . Who is the main culprit behind these ? Is the  education provided in our country  sufficient to make their citizens able to be make their livelihood ?The reason behind could be traditional and parrot reading  education system of the country .
 Education should not be for the sake of education; the education must bring progressive changes in the life standards of the people. If they face difficulties for managing food, clothes and shelter, what is the use of education? The hungry stomach cannot satisfy itself by the certificates. . The education must guarantee the jobs for all.  The change in our education system is necessary. If we are reluctant to change ourselves, our predicament will be even poorer.

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